
Sample Set conditions

By popular demand, our collection of Sample Sets has been expanded so you can discover (house) perfume in an easy and pleasant way. You can select five different (house) perfume samples or choose a Sample Set that is pre-selected by our Skins Experts. Skincare and haircare Sample Sets cannot be created by yourself, because the quality of these products cannot be guaranteed.

Terms for self-created Sample Sets
A Sample Set costs € 24 and contains five unique samples of five different products. It is not possible to order multiple samples of the same product.

We do our best to provide up-to-date information on the availability of our Sample Sets. Nevertheless, it may happen unexpectedly that one of the samples from the set you bought is not available. In this case, we will send you one of the other samples twice, so you can try it out even longer. If possible, our Skins Experts will contact you to find an alternative together.

Creating your own Sample Set is only possible via our online Skins Boutique. Pre-selected Sample Sets are available in selected shops, please contact the respective shop for more information.

It is possible to return a self-created Sample Set when it has only been used to test the fragrances. The set should be returned in the best possible condition, including the original packaging.

Terms for all Sample Sets

When you order a Sample Set, you will receive a voucher by e-mail with a unique voucher code that you can use for a discount on a purchase in our online Skins Boutique. Our skincare Sample Set vouchers have different values, so check carefully how much money your unique voucher is worth. Vouchers can only be redeemed on purchases from €30. Vouchers received with the purchase of a perfume Sample Set are only valid with the purchase of a perfume. You can redeem the voucher within three months of receiving it. After three months, the voucher expires.

Each fixed sample set contains a card with information about the products. This shows the price of the full-size product on the date of shipment. The printed price is subject to change due to possible price changes.

We always do our best to provide up-to-date information on the availability of our Sample Sets. Nevertheless, it may happen unexpectedly that one of the samples from the set you bought is not available. In this case, we will send you one of the other samples twice, so you can try it out even longer. If possible, our Skins Experts will contact you to find an alternative together.

The accompanying voucher can also be exchanged at our Skins stores with the exception of Skins in the Bijenkorf and Skins Institute (maximum one Sample Service voucher per product) and at (maximum one Sample Service voucher per order).

The voucher cannot be exchanged when purchasing the Skins Giftbox, the Skins Giftcard, Archives products and/or Sample Sets.

The general terms and conditions of Skins apply.


A perfume Sample Set costs €24, excluding shipping. Our skincare Sample Sets are pre-selected and have different, unique prices that vary per set and brand.